copying /etc/resolv.conf produces error

Manuel Hachtkemper hacman at
Wed Jan 15 19:12:26 CET 2014


the following lines in /usr/lib/fai/subroutines

    # some generale network files are needed on the client
    # resolv.conf is needed, /etc/hosts is useful in /target
    # use a file from the config space or from /etc inside the nfsroot
    if ! fcopy -BMv /etc/resolv.conf ; then
        if test -L $FAI_ROOT/etc/resolv.conf && \
            [ $(readlink -f /etc/resolv.conf) = $(readlink -f $FAI_ROOT/etc/resolv.conf) ] ; then
            echo "/etc/resolv.conf + $FAI_ROOT/etc/resolv.conf are already pointing to the same file."
            cp -v /etc/resolv.conf $FAI_ROOT/etc

generate following warning/error lines (in our setup) during a softupdate

fcopy: Nonexisting directory /var/lib/fai/config/files/etc/resolv.conf. No files copied.
cp: /etc/resolv.conf' and //etc/resolv.conf are the same file

We're using DHCP and therefore we don't need a resolv.conf in our config space (and don't want to have multiple of these files since we have a few networks with different IP addresses for resolvers).
I think in our case it's safe to ignore these messages, but in my opinion this is a bug. I don't have a patch, however an easy/dirty solution would be to check (after "else") if the file already exists.

Best regards,
Manuel Hachtkemper

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