George VerDuin gfv2008-home at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 8 22:35:52 CET 2014

OOPS -- I've done something wrong.

In /tmp/fai/boot.log, the lines containing HOSTNAME= and SERVER= are 
missing.   It looks to me like dhclient should write this to boot.log?  
No reference to dhclient is found in Fai-Guide.

I have FAI4.0.8 that builds demohost almost successfully, except 
/etc/hostname is set to "(none)".  In the FAI documentation I see from 
the list of variables that no place is specified to set HOSTNAME.  In 
reading FAI scripts, it looks like dhclient has failed to write 
HOSTNAME= into boot.log.  Also in get-boot-info script under 
get-dhcp-info() are references to /usr/share/fai/dhclient-fai.conf and 
dhclient-fai-script files that seem to be missing [on purpose?].

Another opportunity to find hostname comes from DNS.  After the host is 
built. the newly created target host does correctly resolves both the 
hostname and the FQDN.  It seems that DNS may be OK.

SO -- if dhclient is to pick up HOSTNAME from the "host ..." parameter 
found in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf then I am not finding my mistake.   Does 
this sound familiar to anyone?


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