Multiarch nfsroot for multiarch install?

Ralf Utermann ralf.utermann at
Wed Feb 26 17:26:01 CET 2014

On 21.02.2014 12:46, Toomas Tamm wrote:
> To wrap this up, if I am the first (and possibly only) person seeing
> this, and because I already have a workaround, let us leave it as-is,
> in the mailing list archives, in case someone else will encounter this
> in the future. I do not think I can afford spending more time
> debugging it.

You are not the only one, I see the same problem here. Did a
few re-installs, always the same error. Adding the packages
manually is possible.
This was FAI 4.0.8 and an updatebase.AMD64 hook. Since I
added the i386 architecture to the nfsroot, acroread installs
perfectly from the package_config definition.

Thanks Toomas for reporting this!

regards, Ralf
        Ralf Utermann
        Universität Augsburg, Institut für Physik   --   EDV-Betreuer
        D-86135 Augsburg                     Phone:  +49-821-598-3231
        SMTP: Ralf.Utermann at Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE         Fax: -3411

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