Multiarch nfsroot for multiarch install?

Toomas Tamm tt-fai at
Thu Feb 20 19:18:03 CET 2014


I was struggling with getting multiarch install to work as described
in, section "Debian
wheezy and MuliArch" [*] . Everything seemed to be done correctly, but
FAI kept printing the message 

WARNING: These unknown packages are removed from the installation list: acroread:i386

I could even ssh into the system being installed and successfully
complete "apt-get install acroread", which made it even more puzzling.

After some careful reading of the sources, I came to the conclusion
that the "dpkg --add-architecture i386" needs to be executed *both* in
the nfsroot (without the $ROOTCMD prefix) as well as inside the chroot
(that is, prefixed with $ROOTCMD). This is because the installable
package list is checked by the /usr/sbin/install_packages script,
apparently against the apt database from the nfsroot, not against the
one in the install target. Later on, the actual install uses the apt
database from the install target itself.

I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but I would ask that the
Wiki page be updated accordingly:

echo Adding i386 multi-arch
dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ROOTCMD dpkg --add-architecture i386

(Alternatively, I guess that one can chroot into the nfsroot directory
on the FAI server and execute the "dpkg --add-architecture i386"
therein once and for all. I did not test this, however.)

All this was done with stock FAI 4.0.6 from wheezy.

[*] Note: please also fix the typo in "MuliArch"!

Toomas Tamm

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