FAIBASE/10-misc and hostname

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed Mar 13 08:39:12 CET 2013

>>>>> On Wed, 13 Mar 2013 03:55:53 +0100, Holger Parplies <wfai at parplies.de> said:

    >> little challenged by the quote "...nobody cares about Ubuntu...".
    > I believe that is a translation error from the German "sich kuemmern um". It's
    > probably supposed to mean "the Ubuntu package is unmaintained" and not "we're
    > not in the least interested what the Ubuntu package looks like".
Yes, that what I wanted to say. Sorry for the confusion.

I would be very happy if anyone would maintain the Ubuntu FAI
packages, but I do not have the time to do this.

regards Thomas

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