does ARM Server also support FAI

Sam.Chien at Sam.Chien at
Thu Feb 21 04:56:01 CET 2013

I have several ARM Servers (SOC is Marvell armadaxp CPU) in my lab that already install the Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10
I try to use FAI to install the others ARM Server.
I try to setup one ARM Server(ubuntu12.10) act as faiserver and do the follows

1)      Add the “deb wheezy koeln” in the /etc/apt/source.list

2)      # aptitude install fa-quickstart

3)      Modify /etc/fai/fail.conf file for FAI_CONFIG_SRC change to my faiserver IP

4)      # export debug=1;fail-setup –v
But gets “ERROR: 1 live-initramfs was not installed inside the nfsroot.” In the /var/log/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.log file.

5)      I already setup this faiserver act as DHCP Server
Then I try to use one ARM client by using pxe boot then it can load the uImage and uInitrd files.
And finally it can successes do “nfsmount -o nolock -o ro -o retrans=10 failserver:/srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir/ /root”
But it hang up on the following message on the console:
“exec run-init /root /sbin/init vPhoneConfig --no-log
udevd[631]: starting version 175”
And it does not show “Fully Automatic Installation” messages for the fai-guide description

May I know this fail is come from “live-initramfs was not installed” or no
How can I install the live-initramfs package?
And does FAI support ARM server or no?

Best Regards
Sam Chien
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