fcopy and mtime

Paolo Miotto paolo.miotto at uniud.it
Fri Feb 1 11:57:17 CET 2013


fcopy set the atime and the mtime of a copied file as the mtime of the  
original file in the config space.

This is OK for most cases, but sometimes this breaks things: when the  
original file remain unchanged, but is modified in the preinst script,  
the mtime remain unchanged even if the file changes between two  
softupdates, and other utilities (eg. make) doesn't notice the change  
and do nothing.

I would like to change this, or to have a flag to selectively change  
behaviour, but before filling a bug I would like the listen some  
thoughts by you.

Best regards.

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine

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