Troubles with e1000e Networking

Tobias Brunner tobias at
Thu Mar 15 15:06:36 CET 2012


>     > Now I'd like to update this driver to the most recent
>     > version.
> I'm pretty sure, that you do not need to update the driver. I guess
> something different causes the problems.

That's what I think too, but I don't have any idea anymore =(
I even changed the Kernel boot parameters to use static IP to rule out DHCP problems -> no change. And as I said, Kernel 2.6.31-grml works just fine, but not on the new hardware.

>     > Is this kernel a unmodified grml Kernel? So I could use the
>     > "original" grml Kernel?
> Yes, this is the original grml kernel.

Ok, maybe I can build the newest e1000e Kernel module.

> --
> regards Thomas


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