Still having problem with configuring FAI

Nicolas Courtel courtel at
Fri Jun 15 20:17:52 CEST 2012

Le 15/06/2012 17:46, Nicolas Courtel a écrit :
> Well, I'm sure now that the problem is not related to FAI or to my 
> config : I just need to build the nfsroot with the 27th May Wheezy 
> snapshot to make my server work fine (of course the initrd only is 
> relevant)
> Between this snapshot and the current version, live-initramfs has not 
> changed, but the klibc-utils package has been upgraded from version 
> 2.0~rc3-1 to 2.0-2, so I believe the change is in ipconfig.

Ok, I got it: in version 2.0-2 of klibc-utils, ipconfig dumps ethernet 
variables in /run/net-eth0.conf, and not in /tmp/net-eth0.conf as it 
used to. but live is still looking for the latter. so no variable is set.
live-initramfs needs to be updated to work again.

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