Still having problem with configuring FAI

Iordan Iordanov iordan at
Tue Jun 12 17:49:52 CEST 2012

Hi guys,

I don't know if this is off the mark or not, but I wanted to make you 
aware of something we discovered when we started using FAI with Debian 
Squeeze and Ubuntu Precise. It seems that at some point, Debian started 
hard-coding --no-nfs-version 3 into /etc/init.d/nfs.

I.e. as in like this:

$ grep version /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server
   RPCMOUNTDOPTS="$RPCMOUNTDOPTS --no-nfs-version 3"

This option should be in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server if it should be 
anywhere... This broke FAI completely until after a painstaking search 
we came across this. Perhaps some of you are also struggling with this, 
perhaps not at all.


On 06/11/12 15:05, Steve B. wrote:
> I haven't posted in a couple days, but the problems all still exist.
> Friday I created a new Debian Wheezy FAI server and install FAI, but
> never got to work at all.  All sorts of what appears to be NFS issues.
>   I was using the -l -v -f for the setup and make nfs.  Today I switched
> by to my Squeeze FAI server trying to push out wheezy and similar issue
> target starts going bad with Begin: Tring  netboot from :srv/fai/nfsroot
> ... Begin: Trying nfsmount -o nlock -o ro :/srv/fai/nfsroot /liv e/image
> .. nffmount: can't parse IP address '' and continues that last line till
> I power off the target.
> Also on the FAI Wheezy server still have ti issue running fai-setup:
> Using configuration files from /etc/fai
> Creating FAI nfsroot in /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir
> mv: cannot move `/srv/fai/nfsroot' to
> `/srv/fai/nfsroot/../.will-now-be-deleted/nfsroot': Directory not empty
> So to get fai-setup to work I have to delete the nftroot.
> Sounds like fai-setup isn't configuring nfs.   I wish the FAI doc's had
> info on troubleshooting nfs since it is so dependent on it.
> Can someone give me some pointers to troubleshooting this.
> Steve B.

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