additions to passwd and fstab won't work

Frank Lienhard frank at
Fri Jan 6 21:29:39 CET 2012

I try to add som addotions to my installation adn put the following 
script in

##! /bin/bash

# $target/etc/passwd, fuer NIS Funktion
echo "+::::::" >> $target/etc/passwd
echo "+:::" >> $target/etc/group
echo "+::::::::" >> $target/etc/shadow

# $target/etc/fstab fuer nfs mounts von home und daten
mkdir $target/daten
chmod 755 $target/daten
mkdir $target/nivram
mkdir $target/nivram/home
chmod -R 755 $target/nivram

echo " " >> $target/etc/fstab
echo "# Erweiterungen saliko" >> $target/etc/fstab
echo "     /nivram/home            nfs        
rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,nodev,nosuid 0 0" >> 
$target/etc              /fstab
echo "    /daten                  nfs        
rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,intr,async,nodev,nosuid 0 0" >> 
$target/etc              /fstab
at the time the script should run, it gets an error, about the script 
contains "unsuported" ASCII sings.

replacing the $target with /target gives me a running script (at least 
without errors), but with none of the changes in the installed system.

Do I miss something? Am I doing it the compleetls wrong way?


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