off-topic: FAI is too smart (Re: Direct FAI to install medium..?)

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Fri Sep 2 14:18:48 CEST 2011

> Hi,
> > On Fri, 2 Sep 2011, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> > 
> > >Hmm, FAI doesn't try to be smart in any way - it shouldn't "find" anything, it
> > >will only use whatever was configured.
> > 
> > When fai-setup-storage detects any old MDADM Softraid Partitions, it
> > tries to assemble/start them even when Sofraid is not configured.
> > That is the reason why we wrote partition.DEFAULT which cleans the
> > harddisks:
> > 

Looking into the code once more I start to wonder what kind of problems this is
causing for you. The aim of setup-storage in this regard is to ensure that no
device is busy, possibly because of an auto-started array, i.e., an array
started way before setup-storage was launched.

Could you please provide some more insight, or possibly even a debug log of a
failing installation? I wouldn't claim setup-storage isn't wrong here, but I'd
like to understand the very problem.

Thanks a lot,

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