Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Jun 30 16:07:42 CEST 2011

>>>>> On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:53:49 +0200, Thilo Uttendorfer <t.uttendorfer at> said:

    > I have a problem concerning "PACKAGES remove" in package_config files. I want 
    > some packages to be removed, lets say p1, p2 and p3. This works as expected 
    > as long as the mirror knows about all these packages. But if the mirror does 
    > not include one of these packages (which makes sense because I don't want to 
    > install them), I get the error "E: Couldn't find package p1". The problem is, 
    > that apt-get in this case won't uninstall p2 or p3 either, even if the mirror 
    > knows about these packages. I have this problem especially on CD-installs 
    > where you usually don't have a complete mirror.
IMO this is a misbehaviour of apt-get. Also when trying to install
packages which are not known (for e.g.  because of a typo), the
installation of all packages is aborted. This is because apt-get 
does not handle unknown package names. It would be nice
to have a flag like --ignore-wrong-package-names for apt-get. 

    > My workaround for now is to add a "aptitude-remove"-command to 
    > install_packages because aptitude does not stop if one of the packages does 
    > not exist. 
This works, because aptitude does it better than apt-get.
I will think about switching the remove command in install_package to
aptitude. It would be nice if you could file a wishlist/minor bug
report for this and add your patch. That way, your patch will not be forgotten.
regards Thomas

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