Thilo Uttendorfer t.uttendorfer at
Mon Jul 11 12:04:41 CEST 2011

Hi Holger,

On Monday 04 July 2011 at 06:20:57, Holger Parplies wrote:
> Thilo Uttendorfer wrote on 2011-06-29 17:53:49 +0200 [PACKAGES remove]:
> > I have a problem concerning "PACKAGES remove" in package_config files. I
> > want some packages to be removed, lets say p1, p2 and p3. This works as
> > expected as long as the mirror knows about all these packages. [...]
> >
> > Anyone else have this problem and maybe a smarter solution?
> I don't have the problem, but wouldn't you get exactly the same with
> 	PACKAGES aptitude
> 	p1-
> 	p2-
> 	p3-
> In fact, I *have* used "PACKAGES aptitude" with "package-" to remove
> packages (dhcp3-client, dhcp3-common ...) in the past, probably because
> until now I didn't know "PACKAGES remove" existed ;-).

that sounds like a reasonable solution without patching fai. Thanks, I didn't 
thought about using "-".

> That said, changing "PACKAGES remove" to use aptitude would seem to be a
> good idea. Is there any reason *not* to do that, i.e. does aptitude's
> strategy for removing packages differ from apt-get's?

AFAIK aptitude is smarter in resolving dependency issues, but that should 
probably not affect fai-installs. Also, aptitude removes auto-installed 
packages while apt-get won't do that (you need to execute "apt-get 
autoremove"). So I don't really know what will happen to systems that were 
installed with apt-get. New system installs where you use only aptitude 
should work but I guess they could differ a little bit from systems installed 
with apt-get. Maybe someone with deeper knowledge about apt-get/aptitude can 
clarify this topic?


Thilo Uttendorfer
Linux Information Systems AG
Putzbrunner Str. 71, 81739 München

Fon: +49 89 993412-11, Fax: +49 89 993412-99
t.uttendorfer at,

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