Ubuntu 10.04 Installation problem

mamadou diop diopmodou8 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 18:10:20 CET 2011

Thank you David. I think my /etc/fai/apt/sources.list is correct and i use
an apt-proxy. I also notice contrarily on
Ubuntu 8.04 where in package_config, the classes are simple files, in Ubuntu
10.04, except the DEMO class,
the others are .pak file. I also remember that i am using setup_harddisks
instead of setup_storage.
May be the latter two the cause of the problem?
2011/1/21 David Dreezer <dave at socialstrata.com>

> You'll receive that error if your /etc/fai/apt/soures.list is incorrect.
> Also, if you are using your own mirror, and you have not updated it in a
> while, you will receive exactly that error if the resources files are out of
> date. If that is the issue you'll nee dot update your mirror.
> David Dreezer
> Customer Advocate, Social Strata, Inc.
> Online Community HQ Since 1996
> Hoop.la · LiveCloud · Eve Community
> Follow us: @socialstrata
> On Jan 21, 2011, at 8:36 AM, mamadou diop wrote:
> > Hello, I have installed fai on Ubuntu lucid. During the installation of
> the client, after partitioning
> > the hard disks, it is displayed many times "couldn't find package whose
> name or description matched by package_name".
> > And the system rebooted and displayed "Error while loading the operating
> system".
> > After replacing my FAI server Ubuntu 10.04 by a FAI  server Ubuntu 8.04,
> the client is installed successfully.
> > What's the problem of FAI in Ubuntu lucid?
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