Ubuntu 10.04 Installation problem

David Dreezer dave at socialstrata.com
Fri Jan 21 19:08:03 CET 2011

You'll receive that error if your /etc/fai/apt/soures.list is incorrect.

Also, if you are using your own mirror, and you have not updated it in a while, you will receive exactly that error if the resources files are out of date. If that is the issue you'll nee dot update your mirror.

David Dreezer
Customer Advocate, Social Strata, Inc.

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On Jan 21, 2011, at 8:36 AM, mamadou diop wrote:

> Hello, I have installed fai on Ubuntu lucid. During the installation of the client, after partitioning
> the hard disks, it is displayed many times "couldn't find package whose name or description matched by package_name".
> And the system rebooted and displayed "Error while loading the operating system".
> After replacing my FAI server Ubuntu 10.04 by a FAI  server Ubuntu 8.04, the client is installed successfully.
> What's the problem of FAI in Ubuntu lucid?

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