setup-storage: preserve partitions until the layout changes

Brian Kroth bpkroth at
Wed Feb 23 18:36:02 CET 2011

Manuel Hachtkemper <hacman at> 2011-02-23 18:32:
> Hello everyone,
> disk_config and setup-storage both have the option to preserve "lazy", but the implementation differs. (My explanation is simplified.)
> disk_config:
> You want to preserve a partition then the logic is:
> - partition has the same size, preserve it (don't run mkfs)
> or
> - partition doesn't have the same size, so you can't preserve it. Delete the existing partition, run mkfs and move on.
> setup-storage:
> You want to preserve a partition then the logic is:
> - partition has the same size, preserve it (don't run mkfs)
> or
> - partition doesn't have the same size, so you can't preserve it. Stop here, so you don't destroy data.

Personally I like this feature as it sometimes prevents me from doing
something destructive I didn't want to.

> I really understand, why setup-storage prefers the safe way, but for us the old implementation was much better.
> Could it be possible to extend setup-storage with an preserve-lazy-unsafe option, that destroys data? Or does anyone already have a solution for this?

I include separate options for "fresh" installs in my pxe configs that
boot FAI with the "initial" flag or whatever it is.

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