start-stop-daemon ..... Doing nothing

Dirk Geschke dirk at
Wed Feb 23 15:20:49 CET 2011

Hi Robert,

> Start OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd
> Warning: Dummy start-stop-daemon called for /usr/sbin/sshd. Doing nothing.
> .
> FAI: installation aborted.
> reboot with: raireboot
> or after a logout
> sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

the dummy messages are ok, they avoid unneeded software starts during
the install process.

Take a look at the log files in


and look at the output of dmesg.

Best regards

| Dr. Dirk Geschke       / Plankensteinweg 61    / 85435 Erding        |
| Telefon: 08122-559448  / Mobil: 0176-96906350 / Fax: 08122-9818106   |
| dirk at / dirk at  / kontakt at |

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