Lenny-Server and Squeeze-Client -> hard link problem

Dirk Geschke dirk at lug-erding.de
Thu Feb 17 09:52:31 CET 2011

Hi FAI-guys,

I'm still trying to use a lenny server to install via FAI a debian
squeeze. I think the setup is correct, but I still run in problems.

Right after PXE booting FAI dies with an I/O error when he tries to
hard link

   /var/log//demsg.0 /var/log/dmesg

Has anyone seen the same problem and solved it? I still suspect, it 
is an AUFS bug within kernel 2.6.32. If I skip the hard link, I run
in AUFS-oops-trouble, especially if copying files and editing them per

Maybe I am doing something wrong?

The fai-server is 3.2.17~lenny1, in the nfsroot I have version 3.4.7 of
fai-client, fai-nfsroot and fai-setup-storage. It is all AMD64.

Has anyone an idea what is wrong here? I am a little bit clueless about
this problem...

Best regards


| Dr. Dirk Geschke       / Plankensteinweg 61    / 85435 Erding        |
| Telefon: 08122-559448  / Mobil: 0176-96906350 / Fax: 08122-9818106   |
| dirk at geschke-online.de / dirk at lug-erding.de  / kontakt at lug-erding.de |

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