Software RAID + LVM2

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Tue Feb 8 13:25:27 CET 2011

Hi once more,

> > 
> > which is not empty if we run mdadm-startall before get_current_lvm.
> [...]
> In your NFSROOT, or rather at the time of running setup-storage, do you have
> either /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf or /etc/mdadm.conf? I just checked the contents of
> mdadm-startall, which seems to use those files if available. If this is not the
> case for you, it will be creating such a file - which presumably we also could
> do within setup-storage. 

As far as I can tell, this is the only issue that will likely need fixing in
setup-storage (speaking about setup-storage in the experimental builds); for the
moment, however, you could also add this mdadm-startall command to one of your
class/* scripts as a workaround, which should give you a working solution
without a need for patching setup-storage!?

Sorry for taking so long to look into this more properly!!!

Hope this helps,

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