[0]Re: /scripts/live not found

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed Feb 2 18:18:54 CET 2011

>>>>> On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 17:36:23 +0100, Tobias Michelis <michelis at mi.uni-erlangen.de> said:

    > According to the logfile fai-setup.log it is installed. The only strange
    > thing abiut the installation of it is
    > 	Setting up live-initramfs (1.215.1-1grml.01) ...
    > 	ls: cannot access /boot/vmlinu*: No such file or directory
Is a kernel package installed and an initrd created? Maybe put you
fai-setup.log on paste.debian.net, so I can look at it. Or join the
#fai IRC channel tomorrow to get more help.
regards Thomas

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