where to insert a pre-partioning script

Alexander Swen alex at swen.nu
Tue Apr 5 10:36:37 CEST 2011


Please advise me on the following: 

I wrote a script (https://github.com/aswen/scripts/blob/master/mk_partitions) that is able to create raid array's on a hp smartarray controller. (i installed hpacucli in nfsroot) 

I think the script will work (have to test). but: how do I do the following: 

1. where can I call this script so that it has done it's tricks before any partitioning is done? 
2. should I mount the fs's I created in my script to /target or is fai looking for available paritions to mount? 

oh, and I just found a bug in my script. currently it assumes the existence of /etc/fstab. will change that to something more appropriate. 

Met vriendelijke groet, 
Alexander Swen 

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