task_partition & lvm ; FAI 4.0~beta2 exp36

Mathieu Alorent malorent at echo.fr
Thu Nov 25 12:18:57 CET 2010


Le jeudi 18 novembre 2010 à 16:49 +0100, Mathieu Alorent a écrit :
> Le lundi 15 novembre 2010 à 10:14 +0100, Mathieu Alorent a écrit :
> > 
> > I've put FAI exp39 in our devel install and ask users to use it.
> > 
> > NO error were reported since !
> > 
> > I'll keep an eye on the install logs, watching for sector-32/64. 
> The error "sector-32/64", has not be seen again... Hope this will
> continue ;)
> Mat

For me error "sector-32/64" has completely disappeared :)

(I'll remove the export DEBUG var here.)

Thanks a lot for your work !


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