task_updatebase and force-confold

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at gmx.com
Mon Nov 8 16:48:05 CET 2010

Am 29.10.2010 12:55, schrieb Michael Tautschnig:
>> Am 26.10.2010 14:39, schrieb Michael Tautschnig:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> thanks for the advice. I did both manually, i.e. edit ucf.conf and
>>>> create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90fai with DPkg-Options "--force-confdef" and
>>>> "--force-confold", then ran "fai -v -N softupdate". I verified the DPKG
>>>> configuration with apt-config. fai-client still asks this question and
>>>> softupdate stops. Do you know of any further places where to look?
>>> [...]
>>> Ok, thanks a lot for checking; could you post a relevant excerpt of your logs?
>>> Might make things a bit more precise...
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Michael
>> Hello,
>> I have attached fai.log and variables.log.
>> DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ist set.
> Well, I still think that the ucf configuration is not appropriate. Could you try
> in one of your class/*.var files being appropriate for this client?
> Thanks a lot,
> Michael
That seemed to work, at least on the test machine. Should work
elsewhere, too; I will post if not.

Thank you very much,

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