FAI installation instructions

Nicolas Courtel courtel at cena.fr
Wed May 5 17:55:00 CEST 2010

jurgen.lamsens at telenet.be a écrit :
> [...]

> What I exactly want, is making FAI install Ubuntu 8.04/10.04 and CentOS 5.4 on Dell PE1X50/RX10 hardware, and documenting my journey by 
> creating a step-by-step guide. I want to use Debian Lenny as installserver/mirrorhost (because I want FAI 3.5.5 and as far as I tested
> that's not possible on Ubuntu 8.04 because of a sylinux-common dependeny problem). In other words; I want my colleague sitting next to 
> me to be able to setup the complete automatic provisioning system using my instructions at http://akoestica.be/blog/home/sysadmin/15-provisioning/49-installing-fai.
> The problem is; I'm stuck at creating the "minimal Ubuntu system/debootstrap" base image. In other words: what is the next step after: "apt-get install debootstrap" ?
Roughly, it should be something like this:

# debootstrap hardy /some/where/hardy http://some-ubuntu-mirror/
# tar zc -C /some/where/hardy -f /my/fai/config/basefiles/HARDY.tar.gz .

And then add your host in /my/fai/config/class/50-host-class, with the 
HARDY variable, configure disk, packages, etc..., and start the 


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