Still puzzled by setup-storage

Nicolas Courtel courtel at
Thu Mar 25 15:53:33 CET 2010

Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
> [...]
>> The much nicer approach is introducing something like preserve_lazy:1 (a tribute
>> to lazyformat...; but hints for better names are welcome) which causes behaviour
>> exactly as you described. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle, but I cannot tell
>> whether it'll be done in a day or a week.
> Now that one took effectively nearly three months... Sorry for the delay. I've
> added a patch to the experimental builds, it's in version
> 3.3.4~beta1+experimental2. Testing of the new preserve_lazy option is much
> appreciated.
Looks like I'm the first one again :-) . It works as expected on a 
partitionless disk, but fails if the LVM volume already exists (I just 
tried to install again the same host) : although setup-storage claims 
that '(volume) will be preserved', it runs parted to create the volume 

Debug log is at

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