Silent installation or progress bar

Thomas Lange lange at
Wed Mar 24 20:33:26 CET 2010

>>>>> On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:14:31 +0100, david touzeau <david.touzeau at> said:

    > I would like to know how to remove /change events that are displayed
    > when installing system trough CD using fai-cd
All messages that appear on the screen are the output of the commands
executed by FAI and some extra FAI messages.

    > When FAI start to format disks it sould be take a long time and
    > sometimes users think there is a bug because nothing happen during the
    > disk format process.
It will not be easy to make the partitioning tool more verbose during
creating file systems. mke2fs for e.g. does not has a progress bar.

    > This an example but it will be cool to provide a kind of screen that
    > display a progress bar during the setup.
There's a packages called goto-fai-progress, which provides a progress
bar, when you are using FAI in context of GOsa (
I never tried it and I do not know if it only works when using GOsa.

I once tried to do something simple using dialog, but it was not a
progress bar but just a list of task that got an OK button, when this
task was finished. Like faimond-gui, but only text/curses GUI and for
the install client.

You may get a silent installation, if you switch the terminal using
the command chvt.

regards Thomas

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