mkdebmirror issue

Antonia Mey ppxasjsm at
Thu Mar 4 14:00:17 CET 2010

> From: Thomas Lange <lange at>

> Which version of debmirror are you using?

	I am using a version from the 20/10/2009

    > gpgv: keyblock resource `/root/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg': file open error
    > Are you running mkdebmirror as root? You should not do that for security reasons. I maintain my mirror using my normal user id.

	 Yes I was, though unintentional I just forgot to logout of root account.
	 pdiff remains an unknown option though.

Alternatively rather than creating a local mirror I was considering to use apt-proxy. But the documentation does not make it clear for me what exactly I need to edit, especially as I am using proxy settings for any internet connection in the first place.

I am assuming i have to set the variable $NSFROOT_ETC_HOSTS which requires the IP address of the mirror? 
So basically all I want to do is set up access to a debian mirror either through a local one or apt-proxy in order to use FAI to install my cluster nodes.
I think I am generally a little confused and maybe a bit ambitious trying to install a cluster with my very limited linux knowledge but I am willing to learn.


P.S. no more long email cites :)

Antonia Mey

School of Physics & Astronomy
University Park

ppxasjsm at

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