setting up Debian Squeeze with a Debian Lenny fai server

Stefan Pampel spamtest-eir1beucei at
Mon Jun 21 19:13:55 CEST 2010

Am 21.06.2010 09:31, schrieb Michael Tautschnig:
> [...]

>> Client does boot now, but fails after
>> Performing FAI installation
>> on partitioning
>> "Failed to obtain UUID for /dev/sda8
>> This may happen if the device was part of a RAID array in the past;
>> "
>> I deleted th partition table, reboot, same error.
> *If* this disk/device was really part of a RAID array before deleting the
> partition table will not suffice. Instead, you need to run
> mdadm --zero-superblock <device>

'Unrecognised md component device - /dev/sda'
'Unrecognised md component device - /dev/sda8'

I did a if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 to erase the partition
table. Reboot, same error as mentioned above.

> No, should not be the case, bleeding edge is our experimental packages :-) But,
> well, if it is not RAID-related, could you please provide debug logs?


best regards


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