Custom package conflicts

David Ward ansona10 at
Fri Jan 22 14:00:15 CET 2010

I guess the problem with this approach is I need to take the custom pkg out
of the package_config list, since I will be installing it from a hook.  But
then the pkg will no longer be pulled into the mirror on my CD.  How do you
get a package or any file onto an fai-cd without having it be handled by

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Thomas Lange <
lange at> wrote:

> >>>>> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 11:28:44 -0500, David Ward <ansona10 at>
> said:
>    > I have a custom deb that conflicts with something in my kernel deb
> (which I
>    > don't wish to mess with).  I'm wanting to do --force-overwrite.
>  Anyone have
>    > a suggestion?  Maybe there's a way to download the package from my
> local
>    > repository so I can install it later manually from a class?
> There's a unpack feature in install_packages, that downloads and
> unpacks but does not configure a package. I guess this would also fail
> if there are conflicting files or packages. I think the easiest way is
> to write a hook, which calls
> aptitude -o Dpkg::force-overwrite=yes install <package name>
> I hope this works.
> --
> regards Thomas
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