fai softupdate and cron

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at gmx.com
Thu Dec 2 08:15:01 CET 2010

Am 01.12.2010 15:09, schrieb Michael Tautschnig:
>> Hi,
>> I want after installation the clients have 'fai -N softupdtate' in their
>> cron entry. What to do?
> Use fcopy to copy a crontab file or edit the crontab file in one of your
> scripts. That said, I'm not sure whether doing unsupervised updates is generally
> a good idea. I once had broken DNS server packages hose my entire system via
> updates of all DNS servers running in parallel. Sure, untested updates is a
> no-go in critical systems anyway.
> Best regards,
> Michael
You might consider using some kind of "release lock" like wo do. We are
using NFS mounts for /home, and I have created a little init script
which will run on shutdown (Runlevel 0) and check if
/home/fai-update-timestamp is newer than the folder which
/var/log/fai/localhost/last-softupdate points to, and run a softupdate
only if it is.
This way, I can test updates and "release" them to the clients by "touch
/home/fai-update-timestamp" on the server.

I can post the init script if you like.


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