fai softupdate and cron

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Wed Dec 1 15:09:06 CET 2010


> Hello, before asking my question, i would just to say to Thomas that i
> couldn't find in my program mail
> a function which permits to cite only a part of my email.

Are you using the gmail web interface? Isn't it a simple matter of removing
parts of the by-default cited text? At least for me this worked flawlessly.

> Hi,
> I want after installation the clients have 'fai -N softupdtate' in their
> cron entry. What to do?

Use fcopy to copy a crontab file or edit the crontab file in one of your
scripts. That said, I'm not sure whether doing unsupervised updates is generally
a good idea. I once had broken DNS server packages hose my entire system via
updates of all DNS servers running in parallel. Sure, untested updates is a
no-go in critical systems anyway.

Best regards,

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