my fai-setup.log

Robert Markula robert.markula at
Sat Aug 21 21:24:17 CEST 2010

Hi mamadou,

mamadou diop wrote:
> Thank you. I have tried but i don't know what is the cause of this problem.
> May be it's a problem of fai-mirror.

First and foremost you should check and make sure that your fai-mirror
works. Otherwise troubleshooting will be like the search for a needle in
a haystack.

Test your mirror on a working installation (a Live-CD would suffice) of
Jaunty. I'll guide you through this:

1. After booting into ubuntu, open a terminal (if not already on a shell).

2. Open your sources.list. To do so, type in a terminal:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Go to the last line and insert the following line (it should be a single
line, even if there is a linebreak in this mail):

deb jaunty main restricted
universe multiverse

Save and close.

3. Reload the packages list:

sudo apt-get update

4. Check the output of the above command. If there are error messages,
then the line inserted in the sources.list is wrong and/or your
fai-mirror is broken. Please post the output on this list.

Good luck!

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