Updated FAI 3.3.5 packages for Ubuntu Lucid

Juergen Kahnert Juergen.Kahnert at DESY.de
Fri Aug 13 05:27:37 CEST 2010

Hi Stephan,

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 06:51:46PM +0200, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> I have a working lucid setup running without any tweaks of ipconfig...

lucky you. :)

> I wonder if there is something else happening during before or during
> kernel dhcp request via ipconfig...
> you could try to use debug=1 as kernel append variable to get more
> info from the initramfs thingy...

It throws a kernel panic and scrolls everyting else out of screen.  No
chance to scroll back.  It's really annoying to debug initrd bugs. :(

But ipconfig isn't the only problem inside this initrd.  This whole
thing needs to be fixed.  It may help to replace ipconfig.  As everybody
is able to read the scripts/live comment:

    # this is tricky (and ugly) because ipconfig sometimes just hangs/runs into
    # an endless loop; iff execution fails give it two further tries, that's
    # why we use '$devlist $devlist $devlist' for the other for loop

This is crap and should be fixed.


    Jürgen Kahnert

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