Updated FAI 3.3.5 packages for Ubuntu Lucid
Juergen Kahnert
Juergen.Kahnert at DESY.de
Thu Aug 12 13:24:29 CEST 2010
On Thursday, August 12, 2010 03:11:21 am Paul Santos wrote:
> The PXE boot starts off OK, but the server crashes shortly before
> mounting the NFS root device.
the same problem we had. It's a problem of the initrd. This "ipconfig"
binary crashes. We're using the one out of hardy, which works. But it's
still crap, because sometimes it don't recognize the DHCP reply.
So we increase the amounts of tries in scripts/live, too. Also some
speedup changes to avoid this long sleep if the answer comes directly.
The initrd of Ubuntu isn't really a great one and this of lucid is
unusable for FAI without patches.
Jürgen Kahnert
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