setup-storage does not create crypttab

Andreas Heinlein aheinlein at
Thu Sep 17 16:17:03 CEST 2009

Michael Tautschnig schrieb:
>> I have defined encrypted swap and tmp like this
>> disk_config lvm
>> vg vg1 disk1.6
>> vg1-swap	swap:encrypt 	2048	swap	sw
>> vg1-tmp		/tmp:encrypt	1024	ext2	rw
>> ...
>> This works during setup, two device-mapper devices crypt_dev_vg1_tmp and crypt_dev_vg1_swap are created and written to fstab, but no crypttab is generated. I am doing this now with a script, but from taking a look at setup-storage source it looks like it shoud create a correct crypttab, right?
> Indeed it should, yes :-) Hmm, are you using the experimental FAI version or
> 3.2.20 or something? Looking at my experimental patch named
> setup-storage_full-crypto-support the comment induces that it might not work on
> LVM devices without this patch :-) That means:
> - Are you using the experimental builds or the stable release?
> - Would you be willing to test the experimental version in this case?
> - If so, I'd happily merge that patch into mainline as I just left it in the
>   experimental branch because it had not seen sufficient testing.
> Thanks a lot,
> Michael
I am using the stable packages (3.2.20) from the lenny repository. I
would give the experimental version a try.


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