SOLVED: Problem with Intel igb network driver on client

Gordon Grubert grubert at
Wed Sep 2 16:22:21 CEST 2009


Christian Quast wrote:
> I faced the same problem yesterday and solved it by taking the kernel of 
> debian testing.
> I took the kernel deb file and the corresponding aufs-modules deb (not sure if 
> this was needed) and installed it in the nfsroot (mount proc, dev, sys,...; 
> chroot ...). I then copied the kernel and initrd files from $NFSROOT/boot 
> to /srv/tftp/fai and updated the pxe boot configs.
it also works with the Debian Lenny kernel.

Here the solution:
I have always checked, if the igb module exists in the nfsroot and the
initrd. But I have never checked the version of the module file. The
existing module file has been the original Lenny version (1.0.x) and
not my self-compiled module (version 1.3.19).
Now, I have compiled and installed the "correct" driver inside the
nfsroot, recreated the initrd, and copied it to the tftpd directory.

The last step during the FAI setup of the client copies the new
precompiled igb module file to /lib/modules/.... and runs depmod -a.
After the client reboot, everything is fine.

Thanks a lot to all!

Best regards,
Compilerwarnungen von heute sind die Programmierfehler von morgen.
(Quelle unbekannt)

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