Creating etch nfsroot - how different is this from setting up a Lenny root?

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Oct 15 17:23:05 CEST 2009

>>>>> On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:50:42 +0200, Leen Smit <leen at> said:

    > I need an ETCH deploy. I copied the base.tgz from the out-of-the-box 
    > lenny nfsroot to /root.
Ouch. Create an etch base.tgz and copy it to your config space into
the subdirectory basefiles call it ETCH.tar.gz. Then add you clients
to the class ETCH. Now you have a lenny nfsroot which installs an etch
system. You also have to adjust your sources.list on the install client

    > Then I go edit /etc/fai/apt/sources, change the sources to etch. I also 
    > edit /etc/fai/make-nfs-root to change FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP to etch.
    > I delete /srv/* , and run fai-setup
    > This completes with one error:  "ERROR: live-initramfs was not installed 
    > inside the nfsroot."
IIRC live-initramfs was not availabe in plain etch, you have to add
the koeln repository, to get live-initramfs for etch.

regards Thomas

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