amd64 kernel, but 32bits packages installed?

Thomas Neumann blacky+fai at
Thu Oct 1 16:32:01 CEST 2009


> And how does make-nfsroot determine wether to install 64 bit nfsroot??
> I've been following these guides :

It's been a long time (3.2.4?) since I build my nfs roots, but I think I
did these steps:

- install a Debian box manually with 64 bit arch
- add fai repositories if necessary
- setup fai
- make-fai-nfsroot

At this point you have a fai installation able to install 64bit Debian

>From here there are three options:

a) create appropriate "base.tgz" for each distribution / arch you want to
b) modify debootstrap behaviour
c) both

a) should be obvious - debootstrap the required distributions and create
appriprately named <class>.tar.gz / .tgz

b) is a bit more tricky - in the end I wrote a new task_extrbase hook,
which completely replaces the fai-provided one. But then again, I'm also
installing SuSE via FAI, so my config is weird anyway.

Just adding --arch=i386 to FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS may indeed be all you need
for your config.

At least with debian the kernel images for x86_32 and x86_64 have
different names. Ubuntu is less picky.


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