How to create a bootable USB stick containing fai-cd

Peter Bittner peter.bittner at
Thu Nov 26 14:18:38 CET 2009

Hi Thomas,

just out of curiosity and for the sake of reproducing the USB image you
provide: What exact commands do you use (did you use) for creating the
image (fai-usb-3.3.tar.lzma) with fai-mirror and fai-cd?

# fai-mirror -B /path/to/mirror && fai-cd -m /path/to/mirror ...

I am mainly interested in what content goes into the local repository,
so that the system installs fine from the USB stick. (Is -B okay, or
will there files be missing for the installation?)


> Mon, 16 Feb 2009 09:39:11 -0800 you wrote:
> I wrote a short wiki entry, that describes how to create a bootable USB
> stick containing the fai-cd, without the need to setting up fai on
> your computer.
> If you have already installed fai on your system, you can use the command
> fai-cd to create a bootable USB stick instead of a CD ISO image. Read
> the fai-cd(8) man page for more infoprmation.

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