NFSROOT/root/.ssh/ is empty after install from USB stick (aka no known_hosts file)

Peter Bittner peter.bittner at
Wed Nov 25 12:10:50 CET 2009


I have installed a FAI server from a USB stick and installation of
clients kind of works fine, but I have an issue at the end of a client
installation with task_chboot and the ssh authentication against the FAI

>From a research on the Internet I have seen the problem is described in which also
refers to the FAI-Guide (7th bullet in article

However, on my FAI server the .ssh directory is completely empty (for
both /root/.ssh/ and NFSROOT/root/.ssh/). Just to make things clear,
NFSROOT is /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem on my FAI server.
In /etc/ssh/ there are the files that the fai-setup script obviously
uses for setting up non-interactive login from clients.

In /etc/fai/fai.conf there is FAI_LOGPROTO=rsh (the original value), but
also there is not /root/.rhosts in NFSROOT and the local system.
(According to what I see in the fai-setup script that file is created.)

What I find weired too is that task_chboot obviously tries to log in as
the "fai" user:

  Calling task_chboot
  fai at maintenance's password: _

I must admit there is no fai user on my system (I have replaced the
"fai" user in the setup by one that better fits with our organisation),
but shouldn't it be root that logs in to disable the TFTP profile(s)?

Also, the server is a two-NIC machine (2 network interfaces) and during
installation only the first interface (eth0) was set up. After the first
reboot, i.e. after the creation of the NFSROOT with make-fai-nfsroot, I
configured the second interface too. But that should not affect this
problem, I believe.

Can anybody understand what's wrong with my setup? (Is this maybe an
issue of the USB stick setup?)

Thanks for your help in advance!

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