fai3.3 + karmic

Darshaka Pathirana dpat at syn-net.org
Mon Nov 9 19:05:21 CET 2009

On 11/09/2009 06:48 PM, Henning Sprang wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Bent Meyer <askldj-fai at ko-sys.com> wrote:
>> I have upgrade from fai-3.2.20 to fai-3.3 and from Ubuntu Jaunty to
>> Karmic. It does work well,
> Interesting.
> So, you're installing plain FAI from teh Uni Käln apt repository or from where?
>> My guess is, that fai doesn't work well with upstart's way to start tty
>> tasks?
> Might be, most developers don't use Ubuntu but only Debian on servers
> and therefore any difference between Debian(Lenny, that is) and UBuntu
> is very likely to not be supported/FAI not being aware of it.

I just was about to ask since FAI (-server) is called to be
unfunctional with Ubuntu:

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fai/+bug/338157

(Altough there is a Wiki-Page describing how to install FAI-Server on

[2] http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de/index.php/UbuntuJauntyInstallationHowTo)

 - Darsha

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