Starting a FAI installation using kexec

Torsten Schlabach tschlabach at
Thu May 28 10:31:02 CEST 2009

Hi Henning!

 > but on an already
 > basic-installed system, I'd simply run fai softupdate.

But the basic-installed systems wasn't installed using FAI. It needs an 
entirely new partitioning of the hard disk, it might have an entirely 
different kernel than what we want to install, it might not even be 
Debian yet.

 > Wasn't kexec some system
 > for changing the running kernel without reboot?

Yes, it is!


Henning Sprang schrieb:
> Torsten Schlabach wrote:
>> We get servers which have some random Linux image on them. We don't have
>> physical access to those servers and we cannot modify and DHCP settings.
>> So no PXE based install, no USB stick install, etc.
> I might not fully understand your case, but on an already
> basic-installed system, I'd simply run fai softupdate.
> Wasn't kexec some system for changing the running kernel without reboot?
> Henning

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