setup-storage: error

Nicolas Courtel courtel at
Fri May 15 11:30:46 CEST 2009

Alexander Bugl a écrit :
> Tried that, after manually labeling the drive both "parted" commands
> produced no errors, so I restarted the installation. But it still stops
> with error:
> ++ debug=1
> Calling task_install
> Calling task_partition
> Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
> Starting setup-storage 1.0.5
> disklist was:
> Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/SDA_VAR_SRV

Oops, I 've missed this line in your former mail, disklist is not 
supposed to be empty! Output should be at least "disklist was: sda".
It looks like the nfsroot doesn't see /dev/sda.


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