Partitioning/Install problems (Ubuntu Hardy from Debian Lenny)

Jens Classen jclassen at
Tue Mar 24 14:15:03 CET 2009

Hello list!

I am trying to setup a Debian Lenny Server, which should install  
Ubuntu 8.04 clients. I followed the instructions for general setup and  
the multi-distribution article in the Wiki. Basically the whole  
process goes over well, but after the reboot after installation I get  
the error:

"GRUB loading stage 1.5

GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 15"

After inspecting the harddisk I can see that the harddisk was indeed  
partitioned as defined, but all partitions are absolutely empty. The  
server did not install anything at all.

I am lost searching for the reason, has anybody hints how I can track  
the error down?

Thanks for any information in advance!

Best regards,


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