pxe boot not work.

Henning Sprang henning at sprang.de
Mon Mar 2 22:50:47 CET 2009

Andreas Schockenhoff wrote:
> A PXE booting client which is booting from a fai server that
> was setup with a usb-stick, which carry a filesystem like
> fai-cd and a modified config space.

Ah. This was not very clear before.

>> Sounds strange that you should have to do this and that could not be
>> solved in any other way.
> May be that I have a other problem that I solve with this workaround
> that why I ask if this problem is known by other users. 

I just recently sucesfully tested installation of a working FAI Server
on lenny(installed as "demohost" before with Thomas's FAI cd 3.2.16)
without that problem.

But I remember now, there was one strange thing I realized this weekend
in some systems installed with fai-cd/fai-usb: they can have some
/etc/hosts entries which I did not really understand(but they are
related to the ip settings entries in /etc/fai/menu.list) and which in
my case somehow broke the whole networking on a host.
Removing them made things work.

But nothing that forced me to fiddle with stuff in /etc/init.d/*

> It seems that I must debug the problem a little bit more and give 
> more details that somebody can help.

Or, even better: find the real cause, and at least the config setting
that makes it work instead of an edit of /etc/init.d/* :)

First thing you should try is probably checking what happens with a
default configspace, and then whether the problem only happens with a
usb stick install and not with a fai-cd and network install.


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