getting list of classes?

John G. Heim jheim at
Fri Jun 26 17:57:56 CEST 2009

Is there a way for me to get a list of which classes are set for a FAI 
installation while the install is happening? I am running a FAI install as I 
write this and I'm logged into the machine via ssh. I can see that the disk 
was not partitioned the way I want but I do not know why. I would like to 
make sure that the right class is set for partitioning the drive.

PS: Details on the partitioning problem... I have to install on machines 
with disks ranging from 40Gb to 240Gb.  These are workstations and there is 
a lot of software installed in /usr/local but we don't need much space in 
/home because we have home dirs mounted via nfs. So I need at least 15G in 
/usr. /home can be less than 10Gb. I had the following lines in my disk 

logical /home         100-50% ext3   rw,nosuid  createopts="-m 1" 
tuneopts="-c 0 -i 0"
logical 20G-40G /usr     ext3   rw

But on a machine with a 40Gb drive, I got a 8Gb /usr partition and a 20Gb 
/home. That's about the reverse of what I want so I changed it to this:

logical  /home         10G-40G      ext3   rw,nosuid  createopts="-m 1" 
tuneopts="-c 0 -i 0"
logical  /usr          20G-50%    ext3   rw

But I got exactly (or almost exactly) the same partition sizes.

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