Disk-layout for some special nodes out of many

Axel Freyn axel-freyn at gmx.de
Thu Jun 25 19:05:44 CEST 2009

Hi Carsten,
> group*4)
> Hoever, now I have the problem that there are conflicting disk
> configurations:
> disk_config/CLASS_D as well as disk_config/CLASS_E
> I have not found the place yet where this is decided, since the first
> time I tested this on one box, it just worked and I never made it work
> on another box.
I haven't tested it myself, so I'm not sure... But in general FAI uses
the order in which classes are defined as priority - the last Class has
the highest priority (and the hostname ist always defined as last
Based on this reasoning, I would expect that if you define CLASS_E after
CLASS_D (as it is done in your example 'echo "CLASS_A CLASS_B CLASS_C
CLASS_D CLASS_E"'), that FAI uses CLASS_E for disk-configuration.

Looking at the source-code of setup-storage (if you use it?) seems to
confirm my assumption: I think, (in version 1.03, line 54), the
configuration file is determined from the defined classnames:

  foreach my $classfile (reverse split(/\s+/, $ENV{classes})) {

and these are checked in reverse order, until an existing file is found.

> However, it would be nice to give priorities to classes, is this
> possible somehow?

So - in my understanding, FAI gives automatically priorities to classes:
the later a class is defined, the higher is it priority.



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