Two NICs

Michael Tautschnig mt at
Thu Jun 25 21:30:42 CEST 2009

> Hello List!
> I have a client with two NICs. One is onboard and PXE capable. The
> other is plugged and not PXE capable.
> I configured DHCP- and FAI-Server for the onboard card, and the
> client gets the kernel and initram from tftp.
> But then the client tries to mount the nfs-root from the other card,
> which is not connected to the network where
> the FAI-Server lives and so it can't mount the nfs-root.
> Is there any other way to solve this than removing the plugged card?
> The plugged card is recognized as 'eth0'. Is there any way to get
> the onboard card to be recognized as 'eth0'?

What about "ask your favourite search engine" or "search the list archives"?
Well, anyway, be assured that this is a quite frequently discussed issue. One
of those threads is this one:


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