FAI-3.2.16 and Broadcom-Ethernet/PXE/DHCP-problem with ipconfig

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Tue Jan 27 14:05:29 CET 2009

>>>>> On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:51:27 +0100, Dirk Geschke <dirk at lug-erding.de> said:

    > maybe this was the problem, I removed the CISCO switch and now
    > it seems to overcome this part. Strange...
    > Since most will use CISCO: Have you any further pointers to fix
    > this?
I'm no network guy. But IIRC you can disable the spanning tree
algorithm in the cisco switches with the portfast option.

    > But then I have the next trouble: There is a strange problem with
    > the "aufs":

    >    mount aufs on /root failed with option noatime,dirs=/cow=rw:/live...

    > It looks for me as if initramfs is ugly broken...

    > Do you have any hints how to proceed?
you can add the string debug to the pxelinux kernel command line, or
break=premount. Then you yet a busybox shell of initramfs and try to
mount manually. Do not use the user space NFS daemon.

regards Thomas

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